GM - Free SQLite ODBC Driver 1.2
Free   2.7 MB

GM - Free SQLite ODBC Driver 1.2

Free Access SQLite Databases via ODBC with Proper support for datatype conversions
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1.2.0 See all
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   2.7 MB

o Fast, stable, optimized native code (build with freePascal).
o Thread safe. All objects inside the driver are internally secured by critical sections, so they can safely accessed by multiple threads.
o Conforms to ODBC standard 3.5.
o Unicode: The internal string type of the driver is Unicode (Utf-16). The driver DLL exports only the SQLXxxxxW functions. But it converts string data to ANSI if an application wants character data as SQL_C_CHAR (instead of SQL_C_WCHAR).
o Support for Date, Time and Datetime datatypes.
o All important SQLite flags can be specified in the Connection strings.
o Easy to use dialog to create or change ODBC data source entries in the ODBC management of the system.
o Supports SQLSetPos with operations SQL_ADD, SQL_UPDATE, SQL_DELETE and SQL_REFRESH for tables with primary keys, when all primary key columns are in the select list of the statement.
o Automatic data type conversions for almost all possible type combinations: application buffer datatype vs. database column datatype.
o SQLite DLL's included in the installer.
o Runs on all Windows systems NT | 2000 | XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10 | 11 or Windows Server 2000 | 2003 | 2008 | 2012 | 2016 | 2019 | 2022 32-Bit or 64-Bit (No dependencies to other software like .Net, Gdi+, C++ runtimes, java, nodeJS etc.).



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